

Dalian D&C

We make art for our customers!


ABOUT US (e.g.)

Dalian Dongchen century culture media Co., Ltd., established in 2015, formerly known as Dongchen graphic design studio, Hongfu street, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City (established in 2011), has gradually explored the direction suitable for the company's development in the years of continuous development and growth. Now the company has 2 graphic designers, 6 professional painting technicians, 26 professional production and installation technicians, and 1 delivery driver with a registered capital of 1 million yuan.

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甘谷县| 和政县| 独山县| 嵩明县| 澎湖县| 宁河县| 河西区| 罗城| 青阳县| 吉木萨尔县| 绥棱县| 漠河县| 苏州市| 沙坪坝区| 庆安县| 石狮市| 庆阳市| 卓资县| 景泰县| 五原县| 和龙市| 故城县| 永定县| 平武县| 宁陵县| 温宿县| 师宗县| 汝阳县| 山阴县| 阿拉善盟| 文安县| 刚察县| 广宗县| 武川县| 灵武市| 通许县| 荥经县| 嘉义市| 兴化市| 紫金县| 大冶市|